When you become an independent travel agent with InteleTravel, you receive access to in-depth tutorials and step-by-step instructions for earning travel commissions and selling travel. Here’s a general summary that covers how work from home travel agents earn their money.
The commissions you collect when you become an agent make up a certain percentage of your total sales. Whether you book the hotel rooms, car rentals, airline tickets, travel insurance, tours and/or vacation packages for a client, you will earn commissions with InteleTravel based on how much you sell. The same rules apply if you book a trip for yourself. So if you sell $10,000 worth of products or services, you will earn a percentage – which varies depending on the travel supplier you’re selling – of that amount.
Most of InteleTravel's top industry travel suppliers pay you between 14% to 28% commission per transaction. It’s also important to note that suppliers are actually paying your commission out of their share, so it’s like leaving money on the table when you don’t book someone travel.
In short, you earn commissions* with InteleTravel by selling travel!
There're several different ways to book travel and none of them affect how you're paid – you'll still earn a full commission no matter which method is used.
- Our online reservation systems (accessed through your InteleTravel account)
- Suppliers directly by phone
- Suppliers’ travel agent-only websites
Additionally, you get your very own customized website when you join InteleTravel! Your clients can actually go on that website and book a trip themselves. Have a friend who travels for business and is used to getting his or her airline tickets and overnight hotel stay online? Teach your self-serving clients to book their travel the same exact way on YOUR website. It’s like earning money in your sleep for doing no work at all!
Plus, commission payments are automatic and easily tracked so you don’t have to chase down your money. You simply book travel using your InteleTravel credentials, and in most cases, you will be paid 30 to 60 days after the trip ends.
*Commissions are not calculated on taxes and other fees, and may be subject to industry standard adjustment by credit card processors and for technology or transaction costs. Commissions shown are examples and not a guarantee of income.
Travel rates are subject to error, omission and change based on travel dates, availability and other industry factors.