Can Online Travel Agencies Secure Upgrades?

Advisor on phone and working on laptop

There are many different factors and considerations that come into play when planning your travel online, but scoring travel upgrades and bonuses can make a huge difference in your overall experience. 

When it comes to securing these awesome perks, an online travel advisor will be your best friend and a truly invaluable resource. Part of the inherent value that travel advisors provide to their clients is the relationships they foster with travel destinations and suppliers, and much of the appeal of working with an online travel advisor is the prospect that they can secure additional travel perks that can add value to your trip.

Really, the question isn’t if a travel advisor secure travel upgrades, but what kind and how many?!

Here are some of the ways travel advisors achieve upgrades for their clients:

Airline Upgrades

Through your travels, an experienced advisor will work tirelessly to make your travel arrangements as comfortable and convenient as possible, while obtaining upgrades to make getting to your destination even better. 

If you plan on flying, your advisor can contact an airline representative to inquire about ticket discounts, seat upgrades, and credits for food and drinks. 

Hotel Perks 

Advisors are well accustomed to forging connections with travel suppliers and hospitality companies, and leveraging these to create a better all-around experience for their clients. 

They can often secure hotel and accommodation perks such as room upgrades, discounts, and extra amenities.

Cruise Bonuses 

Cruise lines rely heavily on their advisor connections to book rooms, and many offer exclusive programs and offerings to further entice travelers—including onboard spending credits, private car rides, guided tours at your port of call, and access to shipboard shows, events, or activities.  

Advisors have more negotiating power to secure preferred cabins or room upgrades if available. 

Luxury Travel Treats 

Working with an advisor is a must for those planning a luxury vacation. From hotel choices to fine restaurant reservations, they can ensure you get the VIP treatment by providing the absolute best of everything, including extras such as private car rides, complimentary breakfasts or desserts, and even spa credits.

Travel Rewards & More 

Frequent travelers may have signed up for one of several travel rewards programs— either through their job, travel sites, loyalty programs or credit card offerings—and advisors can navigate these various elements to earn clients upgrades and enhance their trips even further. 

Advisors are often members of preferred partner programs for hotels, airlines, car rentals, resorts, and more—along with additional upgrades and special rates that wouldn’t be available through any other channel.  

While you certainly can book a trip by yourself, it won’t be the same as if you’d worked with a travel advisor. They have industry connections and clout with travel suppliers, and can leverage those relationships to score extraordinary upgrades for travelers otherwise unattainable on their own.

These are mutual partnerships wherein advisors recommend hotels, cruise lines or other travel arrangements, and the suppliers offer exclusive travel incentives, as well as commissions for advisors. These extras also come at no additional cost when utilizing a travel advisor. 

All in all, the best way to get the most out of your trip while securing valuable travel upgrades is to enlist the right travel advisor to help. And you can always find the best one for all your needs at InteleTravel. 

Our InteleTravel Advisors always go above and beyond to ensure their clients experience the best trip possible—always striving to exceed expectations. With our extensive network of travel partners and supplier connections, we can get you where you want, in style

If you’re ready to upgrade your travel experience, contact an InteleTravel Advisor today to begin planning your next dream vacation. 

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